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Upload files with traces

Recommended Reading

Before diving into this content, it would be helpful to read the following guides:

Minimum SDK Versions

The following features are available in the following SDK versions:

  • Python SDK: >=0.1.141
  • JS/TS SDK: >=0.2.5

LangSmith supports uploading binary files (such as images, audio, videos, PDFs and CSVs) with your traces. This is particularly useful when working with LLM pipelines using multimodal inputs or outputs.

In both the Python and TypeScript SDKs, attachments can be added to your traces by specifying the MIME type and binary content of each file. This guide explains how to define and trace attachments using the Attachment type in Python and Uint8Array / ArrayBuffer in TypeScript.

In the Python SDK, you can use the Attachment type to add files to your traces. Each Attachment requires:

  • mime_type (str): The MIME type of the file (e.g., "image/png").
  • data (bytes): The binary content of the file.

Simply decorate a function with @traceable and include your Attachment instances as arguments.

from langsmith import traceable
from langsmith.schemas import Attachment

def trace_with_attachments(
val: int,
text: str,
image: Attachment,
audio: Attachment,
video: Attachment,
pdf: Attachment,
csv: Attachment,
return f"Processed: {val}, {text}, {len(}, {len(}, {len(}, {len(, {len(}}"

# Helper function to load files as bytes
def load_file(file_path: str) -> bytes:
with open(file_path, "rb") as f:

# Load files and create attachments
image_data = load_file("my_image.png")
audio_data = load_file("my_mp3.mp3")
video_data = load_file("my_video.mp4")
pdf_data = load_file("my_document.pdf")
csv_data = load_file("my_csv.csv")
image_attachment = Attachment(mime_type="image/png", data=image_data)
audio_attachment = Attachment(mime_type="audio/mpeg", data=audio_data)
video_attachment = Attachment(mime_type="video/mp4", data=video_data)
pdf_attachment = Attachment(mime_type="application/pdf", data=pdf_data)
csv_attachment = Attachment(mime_type="text/csv", data=csv_data)

# Define other parameters

val = 42
text = "Hello, world!"

# Call the function with traced attachments

result = trace_with_attachments(

Here is how the above would look in the LangSmith UI. You can expand each attachment to view its contents.

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